13 Quotes & Sayings By Kamil Toume

Kamil Toume was born in Lebanon, raised in Beirut and studied at the American University of Beirut. He studied English Literature, History and Political Science. He has worked as an editor for several Arab newspapers, creating features and news. In 2005, Kamil moved to the United States where he studied journalism at Columbia University Read more

He is a graduate of the Columbia School of Journalism and started freelancing for a number of print and broadcast media titles. Kamil is a two-time Emmy Award winner, a former PEN American Center fellow, a member of the Board of Directors for the Association for Women’s Rights in Development, an academic advisor to the Middle East Forum’s Project on Middle East Women’s Issues and a member of the Board of Advisors for the International Council on Empowerment of Women. He is also a board member for several non-profit organizations including the Middle East Forum’s Project on Middle East Women’s Issues and Jewish Voice for Peace.

No one can be managed or led, people are inspired and cared for. Kamil Toume
Building a better world requires re-humanising the whole world .It is the only practical way. Kamil Toume
Businesses create real value if they drive the fulfilment for other people. The true definition of leadership. Kamil Toume
What are you doing for others is the ultimate end of true leadership. Kamil Toume
Cash flow never comes from making people redundant. Kamil Toume
People cannot be managed or led, people are inspired. Think leadership again if you disagree. Kamil Toume
With a little care for each other in the business world, we create a better one. A world in which human beings look after their fellow humans. Kamil Toume
Communication is the oxygen of a great culture. Kamil Toume
Book publishers should change the communication from best sellers to the best impacts. What matters is the impact not the sold copies. Kamil Toume
In the age of facebookerism and tweeterism, people have been manipulated to behave foolishly. " Look at me, i am here" culture has thrived. Kamil Toume
We can change the world if we restore humanity to businesses. Kamil Toume
Hiring should be like dating. A great marriage does not happen in a 30 minutes interview. Kamil Toume